The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone.’”
Luke 4:3,4
Overcoming the Lion
Devotion based on Luke 4:3,4
See series: Devotions
Quickly. Name the most powerful animal in the world? I’m not sure what your answer would be, but mine is the African lion. It’s capable of killing an African buffalo, even though that animal can weigh three or even four times the weight of the “king of the jungle.” Mess with a hungry lion and you’re lunch meat!
Did you know the Bible describes Satan as a roaring lion who is eager and able to kill people—body and soul—in hell? It’s true! (See 1 Peter 5:8) Satan once was a good angel. Now he’s bad to the bone! He’s a liar and murderous enemy of God and his children.
In our verse for today Jesus was being attacked by Satan and his wily temptations for 40 days and nights in the desert. It was a battle. Jesus, being fully human as well as fully God, was tired and hungry. Satan tempted him to stop trusting in his heavenly Father to provide for his bodily needs and, instead, take matters into his own hands by turning the stones around him into loaves of bread for food. But Jesus refused. He fought back with God’s Word, reminding Satan that he was to rely totally on his Father and his providential promises.
Learn from Jesus when Satan comes alluring! Use God’s powerful Word and gospel promises like a sword to fight him off. By his blood stained cross and empty grave, Jesus has defeated Satan once and for all, and for you. Fight against him in confidence because the victory has been won and it is yours!
Jesus, thank you for defeating Satan. Help me fight the good fight, using your Word to comfort and defend me in my battles with the roaring Lion. Amen.