On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
Luke 24:1-3
Find a Reason to Believe
Devotion based on Luke 24:1-3
See series: Devotions
Easter Sunday morning was difficult for the women who went to visit Jesus’ tomb. It was just a few days earlier that they had seen their friend die. The image of Jesus hanging on a cross was still fresh in their minds. The rapid pace at which it had all happened was still stunning.
Have you ever felt like these women would have on their way to Jesus’ tomb early that Sunday morning? Have you ever gone nights without sleep because your sorrow is so deep? Has your heart ever tried to carry a heavy burden you did not see coming? Have you ever sat for days in the dark valley, wondering if the recent death of someone you love really happened? Have you ever mourned deep in your soul because of someone or something that suddenly went missing? And if you have felt any of those things, have you ever felt like that feeling is never going to change?
It seems the first women to the grave on Easter morning did. You wouldn’t bring burial spices to a grave if you were looking for the living. They weren’t expecting to see life. They were expecting to see death. But what they found instead was enough to give hope, peace, and joy to anyone who has ever been convinced they will never again feel those wonderful things.
They saw the emptiness of Jesus’ grave. They saw proof that Jesus was risen and that his sacrifice for our sins was accepted. They saw God’s ability to keep a promise to love us and give us the greatest victory of all. They saw, just as we do as we consider the empty tomb, the glorious significance of Easter morning.
Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of Jesus’ resurrection, by which you have given us the victory over death and sin. May we live in that victory each day and so overcome our daily enemies of guilt and discouragement. Amen.