Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:30,31
Trust is the Goal
Devotion based on John 20:30,31
See series: Devotions
When memoirs and behind-the-scenes tell-all’s about famous and powerful people are released, people can’t wait to discover the secrets of these incredible people. Perhaps they’re looking for scandalous details or digging to find their keys to success.
God gives us many details about Jesus’ life and ministry in the gospels (the books in the Bible called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). I strongly encourage you to read them. They’re beautiful, powerful, and life-changing.
But I warn you, while the Bible is the most read book on the planet, God doesn’t tell us everything we’d like to know. Nor is he obligated to answer every little question that pops into our heads.
God considers the information in this book incredibly important. He gives us a glimpse of himself. He opens our eyes to see some of his sacred secrets. The Bible tells us who God is, who we are, and about where we’re going.
God doesn’t tell us everything we’d LIKE to know, but he does tell us everything we NEED to know: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ—the Son of God—and that by believing, you may have life in his name.”
God doesn’t tell us everything we’d like to know. On this side of the grave, he never will. But for here and now he’s told who we are, and who he is, and what he’s done for us so we can be his again, and what that means for us in this life, and what that means for us in the next life. He does tell us everything we need to know.
And that’s enough.
Jesus, thank you for giving me exactly what I need. Increase my trust in this truth as you take care of my daily needs and as I read the Bible. Give me new life and eternal life in your name. Amen.
This week’s devotion focus on John 20:19-31 as we take a closer look at “Resurrection Trust.”