“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
Revelation 7:17c
The Peace that God Gives
Devotion based on Revelation 7:17c
See series: Devotions
It’s nighttime. Outside there are only peaceful nighttime sounds. But inside the young family’s house it is anything but peaceful. A tiny baby is crying—crying so loudly that everyone in the household is awake. The parents make every effort to calm the child down, to silence his crying and put an end to his tears. If only they knew the reason why he was crying, they would remove the source of pain or displeasure and wipe away his tears.
What a relief it is when a tiny baby stops crying and drifts off into peaceful sleep. Whatever was bothering him isn’t bothering him anymore.
Our Scripture reading for today speaks of a time when there will be no tears and when whatever tears were being shed will be wiped away. It speaks of heaven, where there will be no pain, no cause for fear, no reason for sorrow, and not even a reason for repentance There we will have the perfect peace that comes from the fact that all our sins are forgiven for Jesus’ sake.
But as Christians we don’t need to wait for a future time and place to have lives filled with peace. Such lives are ours already, as followers of the Jesus. We may still wince in pain, but God is our help. We may tremble in fear, but God is our strength. Life sometimes hurts, but God is our comfort. We still sin, but Jesus is our Savior.
In this world we shed tears and may do so right up until our dying day. But though tears flow from our eyes, peace fills our hearts. It is the peace that God gives. It is the peace that comes from knowing Jesus: the helper of the helpless, the worker of miracles, the payment for our sins. God comforts us when we cry, and he will wipe away our tears.
Jesus, keep my focus on you as my Savior, and fill me with the peace of forgiveness for my sins that I might live in the sure hope of heaven. Amen.