After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
Revelation 7:9,10
Salvation Belongs to Our God
Devotion based on Revelation 7:9,10
See series: Devotions
At the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus rode into Jerusalem. He was seated on the back of a borrowed donkey. He was on his way to establish himself as King of kings and Lord of all. Crowds of Jews went before and after him. They also were headed to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. They placed palm branches and their traveling cloaks at Jesus’ feet. With raised voices they plead, “Save us now!”
At the beginning of Jesus’s glorious reign, John views Jesus again. He is surrounded by a great multitude. However, now Jesus isn’t going anywhere. He is seated on his throne in the heavenly Jerusalem. He has established himself as King—the Lamb who vanquished sin by laying down his life for the world and conquered death by taking his life up again.
The crowd that surrounds him isn’t going anywhere either. Their traveling days are done. These aren’t just Jewish nationals. They are people of every corner of earth, every skin color, and every language. With raised voices they proclaim: “Salvation belongs to our God.”
Are you struggling? Do you need help? You can count on Jesus. Because he is true God and true Man who died and rose again, he provides healing and hope for all who trust in him. Walk with him during your earthly life. Follow the path that he has laid out for you in his Word. When that way gets tough, plea for his help and trust his deliverance.
Your King heals diseases, feeds the hungry, raises the dead, and forgives sin. Just remember: his kingdom is not of this world, and this world isn’t your home. You are simply traveling through. From earth to eternity. From tribulation to triumph. From cross to crown. From grace to glory. Heaven is your goal. And it is worth it!
Lead me, O Lamb of God. I follow you. When my road gets rough, hear my plea. And accept my praise, when you deliver me. Amen.