“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:35
House Colors
Devotion based on John 13:35
See series: Devotions
Olympic athletes wear the colors of their country. Ships fly the colors of their country. Traditionally, houses of nobility each had their own house colors. Harry Potter readers and viewers will remember the four houses at Hogwarts School—each with its own unique set of colors.
Jesus tells us to fly our house colors. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
When we show Christ-like love for each other, the people around us can see our house colors as clearly as a flag fluttering in the wind. They can see that we belong to the household of faith. They can see that we belong to Jesus.
The goal is not simply to identify ourselves to the world around us. The goal is to invite others from the world around us to wonder. What motivates this kind of selfless love? Where does it come from? Why is it so strong? Why do these believers love so freely, without compulsion or legalistic enforcement? What makes these people so kind?
On the flip side, when believers don’t demonstrate Christ-like love, it can be damaging. People get a bad impression of what believers are like and what belonging to Jesus is like. Lord, forgive your people for not flying your colors more boldly and truly.
Just think of Jesus. Think of what it means to belong to him. Forgiveness through his cross. Eternal hope through his promises. Victory over death, through his victory over death. What a joy and a blessing to belong to Jesus and his family of faith. Wear his colors. Fly his flag. Show his love.
When others see our love for each other, they will also see Jesus and his love. Christians, fly your house colors!
Lord Jesus, what a tremendous joy and gift to belong to you! Thank you for your selfless love. Help me also to fly those colors in my life, that others may see you through me. Amen.