And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God.
Revelation 21:10,11
Turn from an Uncertain Future
Devotion based on Revelation 21:10,11
See series: Devotions
What does the future hold? While there are some who claim to know, their predictions lack any credibility. So, where do we turn to know what is in store for us? There is an old proverb which is helpful. “We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future.” This, of course, is the Lord.
Although this knowledge offers comfort, we continue to have our misgivings. Too often we wonder, “What if…?” This can actually become a deadly infection. It starts with a hint of uncertainty. It spreads to become a lack of trust. Finally, it overcomes with deadly despair.
St. John’s words from the book of Revelation provide the remedy. He reveals what the future holds for those who put their trust in the Lord. He doesn’t offer a rose-colored perspective, nor does he make promises which will never be kept. He does offer God’s own assurance of what is in store for the future for those who know and trust in him, and that is heaven.
The beautiful picture John described offers the reassurance we need. For loneliness, there is companionship in the presence of the Lord. For earthly loss, there is the anticipation of heavenly blessing. For death, there is new life in the Holy City of the eternal God.
While this may not answer every question we have about tomorrow or the next day, what God does provide keeps us from being overwhelmed by doubt and despair. We know who holds the future, and we know who holds us in his gracious and protective care. It is the Lord who rescues us from sin, death, and every danger. The same Lord tells us what our future holds. There is no uncertainty whatsoever. We will be where he is.
O merciful Lord, we are often short-sighted and overwhelmed by doubt. Strengthen our faith so we trust you and cling to your faithful promises. Throughout this life, fix our eyes on your rescue and the place of blessing you have prepared for us. Amen