Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower.
James 1:9,10
The Great Equalizer
Devotion based on James 1:9,10
See series: Devotions
From her seat in the pew, Ginny watched the members of St. James Lutheran Church file up before the altar in groups of eight on each side. She was only a few weeks from completing the Bible Information Class and couldn’t wait to take her place next to the others.
This Sunday what caught Ginny’s eye were two men who happened to go up for Communion at the same time, kneeling next to each other at the altar rail. One was a distinguished-looking gentleman wearing a suit and tie. “Doc Greg,” they called him. She had also seen his name in the church bulletin on the list of those volunteering to help with VBS this summer. The man next to the doctor was wearing a faded denim jacket and jeans. Before the service that morning he had introduced himself to her as “Sammy.” He told Ginny that he had first visited St. James Church a few years back because of their food pantry when their family was struggling financially. But they kept coming, he told her with a grin, because here they had found Jesus, the Bread of Life. Now these two men knelt shoulder to shoulder at the Lord’s altar.
In terms of wealth, education, and social status, Christians can be quite different from each other. But the Lord’s Table is a great equalizer. Those who are in a higher position in the eyes of the world are reminded as they approach that they are no less sinful than anyone else. They too will one day die and face their Maker. This is why God commands us all to repent, humbling ourselves before a just and holy God. But the body and blood of Christ in the Sacrament also point to the humble sacrifice he made for all people. Even the lowliest in this world are assured of God’s grace and love for them. In Christ Jesus, their disobedience has been paid for and their sins forgiven. All who humbly trust in Christ for salvation will rise to live with him forever when he returns to earth in glory.
Lord Jesus, teach me to follow you in humble but confident joy in all circumstances of life. Amen.