A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?
Ecclesiastes 2:24,25
A Satisfied Life
Devotion based on Ecclesiastes 2:24,25
See series: Devotions
Satisfaction. It seems harder and harder to achieve. What makes matters worse is that the definition continues to evolve. How often haven’t we been tempted to think, “If I only had a better phone, a newer car, a better job, then I would really be satisfied?” While it sounds achievable, it rarely happens. And, if it does, it doesn’t last long. The latest and greatest soon grabs our attention, and suddenly we are dissatisfied once again. Satisfaction is elusive.
But rather than being swept up in the never-ending pursuit of the things of this world, King Solomon encourages us in the book of Ecclesiastes to remember that everything we have is from God. And, because we know God loves us and wants what is best for us, we can be satisfied with whatever our lot in life might be.
So, while this life is not all there is, this life is a gift from God. And, he encourages us to enjoy the blessings he showers on us. Whether we are working in an office or a field, whether we are eating the finest of foods at a fancy restaurant or a hot dog in our backyard, whether we are drinking champagne or Kool-Aid, we can know that what we have is a gift from our gracious God—and we can be satisfied.
O loving heavenly Father, you fill my life with everything I need. Fill my heart with thanksgiving, joy, and contentment allowing me to live a truly satisfied life. Amen.