Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:1,2
Think About Something Better
Devotion based on Colossians 3:1,2
See series: Devotions
Have you ever had nights where you just can’t take your mind off of something? You toss and turn. You may even get up to check your e-mail or read a book just to take your mind off your concerns. Unfortunately, when we get our minds stuck on things, they’re usually things we don’t want to think about or shouldn’t be thinking about.
God’s Word has some great advice when we struggle with our thoughts. God reminds us to think about him! Instead of dwelling on things that stress us out or tempt us to sin, God says, “Think about me and what I have already done for you!” He tells us that we have been raised with Christ. That is another way of saying that Jesus defeated death and the devil for us. It’s not merely a possibility, it is the reality!
Since you have been raised with Christ, think about all the great blessings you have because of Jesus. Think about the forgiveness you have for all your sins and the eternal life of joy that is yours right now. Think about how anxious your loving heavenly Father is to hear from you and help you with whatever is keeping you awake at night. Don’t let the matters of your life stress you out. Think about something better. Think about Jesus!
Lord, keep me from being overwhelmed by the problems I experience. Rather, help me think about what you have done for me. You sent your Son into this world to take away my sins, and you have made a place for me in heaven! Thank you, Lord! Amen.