Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Devotion based on Hebrews 12:2
See series: Devotions
Teenage boys will do just about anything to avoid their chores. I can remember when it was my turn to sweep out the garage, I would avoid the actual sweeping by using the broom as a toy in a game called “balance the broom.” Maybe you have played this game yourself. You place the tip of the broom handle in the palm of your hand, stand the broom straight up, and then attempt to balance it as long as possible. The key to success in this game is to keep your eyes fixed on the broom. If you look at your hand or the wall or anywhere else, the broom will fall. You must keep your eyes fixed on the broom.
The Bible gives us some similar advice when it comes to our lives of faith. Except, instead of keeping our eyes fixed on a broom, we are encouraged to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. It is not easy to do. We are easily distracted by the challenges and troubles around us. Or we find ourselves fixing our eyes on the so-called wisdom of the world. Or we stop looking at Jesus because we are too busy staring at ourselves and our sins and shortcomings.
The writer of the book of Hebrews pleads, “Fix your eyes on Jesus.” See Jesus suspended from a cross, paying the price for your sins, and looking at you with nothing but love in his eyes. See Jesus bursting from his tomb on Easter morning with the smile of victory on his face. See Jesus seated on his heavenly throne calmly controlling all things with you in mind. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus…until you see him face to face in the heavenly home he is preparing for you.
Lord Jesus, I so easily become distracted by the challenges and troubles of this life, by the sins and sorrow in my heart. Send your Holy Spirit to me this day and every day to fix my eyes on you. Amen.