[Jesus] said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”
Luke 13:24
Follow The Narrow Road
Devotion based on Luke 13:24
See series: Devotions
My family and I recently went on a vacation and found ourselves on a highway that was seven lanes across. And those were just the lanes going in our direction! That many lanes and cars can be overwhelming. Knowing when to exit is key because you must make plans to get over to the correct lane in time. The flow of that much traffic moving at high speeds can be very difficult to navigate across.
That’s how life is for the Christian too. Jesus tells us that the door to heaven is narrow. Life flows so swiftly before us and so many people are not looking to exit on the narrow road. We can get swept up in the materialism and greed of our society. We can get pulled along by the sports-crazy culture. We can get caught up trying to pass the guy ahead of us at work. All the while, we find ourselves moving with the traffic and we have taken our eyes off our exit. If we aren’t careful, we will speed down the highway that leads away from God and our heavenly home.
So, we want to keep our eyes open and be aware of what the world around us is steering us toward. We want to turn on the “GPS” of God’s Word and read and listen to it daily. We want to continue to learn more and more about our Savior Jesus, who is the only way to heaven. After all, only Jesus lived, died, and rose again to give us the gift of eternal life.
Dear Jesus, keep my eyes and my faith focused on you, so that I do not get swept along by the ways of this world. Amen