Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Never Changes
Devotion based on Hebrews 13:8
See series: Devotions
Were you surprised this morning at the wrinkled face peeking back at you in the mirror? Or the sagging where there was once no sag? A gray hair proudly declaring its independence? Or maybe an entire forest of gray? “When did I change so much,” you sigh. But change is a fact of life. We see gas prices rise and fall. The love in marriages grows cold. Professional athletes retire, then un-retire, then retire again. We’ve become so accustomed to change that it would be far more remarkable to witness something that doesn’t.
The book of Hebrews tells us that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” I’m not sure that you and I can ever fully appreciate those words. We don’t have anything to compare it to. We’ve never experienced something so constant, so steady, so dependable, and so…unchanging!
But rather than fearing what we don’t understand, let those stabilizing words from your Creator make you feel secure and confident. Because the eyes that once blinked through the hurt of rejection and squinted through the tears of pain are the very same eyes that are watching you with tenderness right now. The hands that bore nail-marks as proof of his love, are the same divine hands protecting you from harm. The head that endured shame and thorns is the same head turned attentively to your suffering and trouble.
Jesus NEVER changes! Your forgiveness is sure; your heaven is secure. He will ALWAYS love you.
Jesus, I’m not quite sure how you can never change. So much of my world changes every day. But I know that it means you love me. And it makes me love you, too. Thank you, my unchanging Jesus. Amen.