The LORD has sworn by himself, the Pride of Jacob: “I will never forget anything they have done.”
Amos 8:7
Ripe Fruit
Devotion based on Amos 8:7
See series: Devotions
In the days of Amos the prophet, the LORD God of Israel showed Amos a basket of ripe fruit. The LORD told him that just as the fruit was ripe, the time was ripe for his judgment on the people of Israel. Time was up.
The LORD‘s words should have disturbed every listener in Israel. He swore to never forget the evil they had done. His patience had run out. The end had come. Assyria would soon sweep them away.
Most of the people who listened to Amos’ message did not take him seriously. They despised him as a foreigner from the southern kingdom of Judah who had come to meddle in the affairs of the northern kingdom of Israel.
Within a generation, God carried out his threat. The kingdom of Israel collapsed.
The same God speaks to the world today through his ancient prophet whose words remain true for this generation. He speaks against the sinful excess and blatant idolatry in our lives. How can the Almighty forget the evil we have done?
Yet he makes a promise that repentant sinners love to hear. The God who says, “I will never forget anything they have done” has also declared, “I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Jeremiah 31:34). Through Jesus Christ, he has kept this promise. Although your God would have every right to remember your sins, he has chosen instead to put your sins on his Son who took them to the cross. For his Son’s sake, he remembers your sins no more.
Righteous God, forgive me, renew me, bless me, and keep me steadfast in your gracious love through Jesus Christ. Amen.