What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:13
Teach Believe Love
Devotion based on 2 Timothy 1:13
See series: Devotions
It’s a great blessing to have Christians in your life who know the pattern of sound Christian teaching and who pass it on. Some of what the Bible says matches your conscience, but most of it does not come naturally. It has to be taught and learned, and nothing is more valuable. For example, when someone teaches and shows you how to make forgiveness in Jesus a main focus of your life, you appreciate it because of the tremendous comfort it brings.
You also appreciate it when Christians in your life demonstrate their faith in Jesus. It’s especially helpful to see them in action during the difficult times. They are sure of the promises of God even when it’s not easy to see how God will keep those promises. The confidence of believers is reassuring when everyone else seems to be panicking.
Along with passing along Christian teaching and demonstrating faith in Jesus, we are also blessed when our fellow Christians demonstrate the love God has placed in their hearts. Nothing makes life more pleasant than people who love you. Christians in your life reflect the love of Christ Jesus and love you even when you don’t deserve it. You can teach the truths of the Lord, and you can believe his promises, but those two very valuable things ring hollow to other people if you do not demonstrate love to them.
Christians around the world celebrate November 1st as All Saints Day, remembering all of the people who lived Christian lives and died in the faith. What is the best way to honor them?
Teach. Believe. Love.
Prayer: (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 551)
For all the saints who from their labors rest, all who their faith before the world confessed, your name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Amen.