There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22-24
Devotion based on Romans 3:22-24
See series: Devotions
The United States seems to be more divided than ever. We are divided politically, socially, racially, and economically. All this division has made us hostile and judgmental. Just turn on your TV, look at your Facebook feed, or read the editorial column in your local newspaper, and you will hear angry voices defaming their opponents.
How does God’s Word respond to all this division?
God responds by clumping all the different groups into one group. He says, “There is no difference . . . all have sinned.” God does not divide people based on their politics, social views, race, or finances. He puts everyone into one category. All are sinners.
At first, that might seem depressing. You might be thinking, “There is nobody who does good, not even one, really?”
But keep reading.
The writer of these words, the Apostle Paul, continues, “and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” When Jesus died, he died for the sins of the whole world. All humanity has been declared “not guilty” in Jesus. Not everyone believes they need his forgiveness or have his forgiveness. But, because Jesus accomplished it, his forgiveness is there for them.
If we embraced what God says, our world could be a much better place. If we believed that all people are sinners, including ourselves, we wouldn’t look down on other people. If we believed that God had mercy on them all in Jesus, then we might begin to have mercy on them as well.
So, when you find yourself adding to this world’s hostility and division, remember that you are no different than anyone else. You are a sinner just like them. When you struggle to care for someone with opposing views, love them with the same love that Jesus showed you on the cross. After all, we are all equally sinners and equally saved.
Lord God, forgive me for the times I was judgmental and looked down on others. Lead me to love others just as you have loved me in Jesus Christ. Amen.