[Jesus said] “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”
Luke 20:38
Plan Ahead
Devotion based on Luke 20:38
See series: Devotions
From the time we are young, we are told to “plan ahead.” It was part of the knowledge given to us by our parents. It was drummed into us in school. It was something we learned by experience, usually when we did not do it.
The Bible tells us that God is the perfect planner. Before he even created this world, God knew that the perfection of mankind would be lost because of sin. The perfect fellowship between God and his creation would be destroyed. It was not the condition that God wanted for us.
So, God planned. He planned a way to win us back from our separation from him. In time, he carried out his plan by sending Jesus to take our place in two ways. Jesus lived a perfect life in our place. Then he was punished, yes killed, even though innocent as payment for our sins. Then Jesus rose to show that he had conquered the death we deserved. He took our sinfulness on himself and totally paid for it. Now, we have the fellowship with God that he always intended. We are not dead in sins, but alive!
Dear Father, thank you for your plan, the gift of Jesus who took my sins on himself and brought me back into fellowship with you. Amen.