There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 22:5
From Dark to Light
Devotion based on Revelation 22:5
See series: Devotions
Mom and dad wake up suddenly to loud crying coming from their child’s room. They quickly run down the hall and flip on their son’s light to investigate. Seeing their six-year-old son sobbing on the bed they ask what’s wrong. Through the tears, he manages to cry out, “It’s dark in here and I can’t see!” Sure enough, dad looks over and sees the nightlight isn’t on. A quick investigation reveals the bulb is burned out and so a trip to the garage for a replacement bulb is in order. With the light on again all is right and the child’s tears stop, he lays his head down on the pillow and sleep soon returns.
One of the most beautiful promises about heaven is that the light won’t go out. We are used to periods of night this side of heaven. Not just physical night but we all experience moments of darkness and fear in this life. Even though it is unpleasant we accept it as just part of life. We will have good days at work and bad days at work. We will have days when we will win and days when we will lose. There will be seasons of life where everything goes our way and everything makes sense. There will be seasons of life where nothing goes our way and few things make sense.
However, God promises that once his people get to heaven, there will be no more night for he will be their light. They will not have to fear anything because God has chased all the darkness away. Tears will be dried and worries will be taken away. Everything will be made clear. Finally, God’s people will go from dark to living in the light forever.
Gracious God, when the darkness of this world overwhelms me, help me to remember your promise of the life of light to come. Amen.