“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. . . . “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:21,23
A Special Christmas Gift
Devotion based on Matthew 1:21,23
See series: Devotions
It will be Christmas Eve soon. On that wonderful night, the presents will be carefully and lovingly wrapped in shiny paper and placed under the Christmas tree. After enjoying Christmas Eve worship, we will follow our family tradition and open our presents. We’ll take turns, from youngest to oldest. That means I’ll go last, but that’s okay.
All-day long I know exactly what question will be going through the minds of each of my three daughters: “What will I get for Christmas?” Honestly, I’m wondering, too.
With the eyes of faith, peek into Bethlehem’s manger. God has something for you, and it’s special. It won’t break or wear out. It won’t go out of style. It’ll never disappoint you or let you down.
Your gift has special names: Immanuel, which means God with us, and Jesus, which means Savior.
God’s gift is his most prized possession, his Son. Immanuel came to earth to be your brother, putting on human flesh and blood and subjecting himself to obey the Law of God (which you and I have failed miserably to do). And more than that, Immanuel is Jesus, who came to wipe our sins away and save us from God’s righteous anger against our sin by dying on the cross and then rising from the dead.
What will you get for Christmas? You’ll find out during your Christmas gift opening. Then again, you already know what you’ve got, Jesus!
Merry Christmas!
Heavenly Father, I can’t thank you enough for giving me the gift of Jesus. Help me praise you for your generous love both with my lips and my life. I pray in the name of Immanuel, Jesus. Amen.