When the set time had fully come, God sent his Son.
Galatians 4:4
The Time for Jesus
Devotion based on Galatians 4:4
See series: Devotions
What a mess things were at the time of Jesus’ birth! The Jewish people in Palestine had to live under the iron fist of Herod the Great, a cruel king who had actually put his own sons to death to retain his power. And the tyranny did not stop there.
Beyond Herod was the boot of the Roman Empire, known for its willingness to crucify thousands at one time in the name of keeping order. Then there were religious factions in the Jewish leadership—from the Pharisees, who were all about retaining religious laws and traditions of their people, to the Sadducees, who wanted to do what was necessary to get along with the Romans. There was a wide disparity between the upper, middle, and lower classes of Jewish society—a disparity that was ongoing and a disparity that created its own tension.
Finally, over the years a terrible distortion developed over what the promised Messiah was supposed to do. Many assumed he was supposed to bring political and social change. Few seemed to understand their need for a Savior from sin.
But in spite of the mess, brutality, unrest, ignorance, cynicism, and trouble, God chose this moment in time to send his Son. He did so because he determined that the time had come.
As it was 2,000 years ago, so it is this moment. The time for Jesus is now. In spite of what is dominating the headlines, in spite of the noise, in spite of what is demanding your attention in your personal world, the time for Jesus is now. The time is now to come to him in repentance and to bask in the forgiveness he purchased at Calvary’s cross. The time is now to tell others what you have heard and seen about the Savior God sent for us when the time had fully come.
Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into the mess of this world in order to save it. Thank you for coming into the mess of this world to save me. Amen.