“[O]n those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.”
Matthew 4:16
Devotion based on Matthew 4:16
See series: Devotions
The rear half of a truck sat on the bridge. Eventually, divers found the front half, along with the rest of the bridge. They never found the driver. The mighty waves of Hurricane Ivan that had tossed concrete spans around like dominos, swallowed his body forever.
What possessed this driver to cross a 3-mile bridge in the middle of a category 4 hurricane? Maybe his wife was waiting for him in Pensacola. Maybe, in the darkness, he thought it wasn’t all that bad. He obviously thought he could make it. He didn’t realize on this bridge, in this storm, he was driving into the shadow of death.
What possesses me to think I can make it through this life without Jesus? On this earth, in this life, I am living in the shadow of death. Death that is more than a stilled heart. Death that is a stilled soul—empty, alone, constantly trying to convince myself, “I’m OK. I’ll make it!”
I’m not okay and I’m not safe. The darkness hides the waves of sin that swallow me. I won’t make it!
Then Jesus shines his light into my death-dark heart. With brilliant love, he turns my eyes to his cross. I see forgiveness there. He runs my eyes over his life. I see perfection there. He focuses my eyes on his heart. I see my God gifting me with both—Jesus’ forgiveness and Jesus’ perfection. He lifts my head up to heaven. I see his arm bending around my shoulders as he welcomes me into an eternity of life and light.
I will make it home.
Dearest Jesus, shine the light of your love into my heart so I always know your forgiveness and your goodness are mine. Amen.