Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1:31
Go Ahead and Boast
Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 1:31
See series: Devotions
Boasting is frowned upon in polite society. No one likes a braggart. Jesus himself once warned that “all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (Luke 18:14). Eventually, boasting will come back to bite you.
So where does the Apostle Paul get off telling God’s people to boast? Well, you’ll notice that he isn’t suggesting that they boast about themselves or their accomplishments. Hardly. Instead, he paraphrases the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah and declares, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”
What does it mean to “boast in the Lord”? It means telling others what a wonderful Savior Jesus is. Like writing a glowing, online review about some product we’ve recently discovered and love, Paul is urging God’s people to let others know what they’ve found out about Jesus.
And what’s so great about Jesus? Well, has the world ever known anyone more powerful than the very Creator of the universe? No. Has the world ever seen anyone more compassionate than the One who gave sight to the blind and made the lame walk? No. Has the world ever experienced the kind of self-sacrificing love that Jesus demonstrated not just for some, but all people? Never. Has the world ever witnessed anyone else who’s been raised from the dead never to die again, only to promise us, “Because I live, you too shall live”? Absolutely not! Jesus is a one-of-a-kind gift given by a merciful Father in heaven to every one of us. Through him, we sinners have God’s perfect forgiveness and the certainty of eternal life. That’s something special, unique, amazing, and completely undeserved. God saw nothing in us that prompted him to give us such a gift but he gave it anyway because God is love. He can’t help himself. He loves you.
So, go ahead. Boast! Boast in the Lord.
Dear Jesus, help me see what a wonderful and perfect Savior you are, and inspire me to boast about you and your love alone, now and forever. Amen.