You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9
Live as Light in the World
Devotion based on 1 Peter 2:9
See series: Devotions
Businesses spent over five million dollars for a 30-second commercial at this year’s Super Bowl. They reached 100 million viewers. Despite that far-reaching audience, analysts say that the best advertising is still personal endorsement.
Like Super Bowl ads, the Bible has a global reach. It is the most circulated book in the world. Yet, those who need it most won’t read it. They will, however, read you. In fact, it was to this that God called you.
Once you were lost, but God sent Jesus to seek you out. You were an outsider, but God made you family through faith in his Son. You were just another face in the crowd, but by his Spirit God set you apart. You were second-rate, but clothed in Christ, you are God’s gem.
As his special treasure, God puts you on display. God wants those outside his kingdom to see the night-and-day difference he made in your life. His hope is that the world takes notice of your joy in Jesus.
Let the world see the wonders that God has done for you. Show them that God has given you a place in his family by living as a stranger in this world. Show them that you have a permanent home in heaven by not getting too cozy here. Show them you are looking forward to eternal pleasures by not giving in to fleeting moments of sinful pleasure. Let them see God’s goodness to you by living honorably among the natives of this world.
By God’s power, when they see and hear your personal endorsement of God’s mercy, you may win over their hearts for the Lord.
Prayer: (Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal – 471)
Renew me, O eternal Light, and let my heart and soul be bright, illumined with the light of grace that issues from your holy face. Amen.