[Jesus said] “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:13-20 (selected verses)
Be Salt and Light
Devotion based on Matthew 5:13-20 (selected verses)
See series: Devotions
Salt and light are essential for life.
Salt is essential for the proper function of nerves and muscles. It also plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and digestion of food. Without salt, the human body is at risk of heart failure.
The light of the sun is essential to life on earth. The sun controls the changing seasons and weather. The sun generates energy in plants that supply the earth with oxygen. Without the light of the sun, the world would be a lifeless ball of ice-covered rock.
Jesus says that his followers are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. They are not essential for the physical preservation of the world. They are essential for the spiritual preservation of the world.
Jesus’ followers know that Jesus paid for their sins when he died on the cross and that he gave them eternal life when he rose from the grave on Easter morning. They are so thrilled to know these things that they demonstrate God’s love as they interact with the people of this world. This is what Jesus meant when he said that his followers are the salt and light of the world. The people of this world need to know the true God and all he has done for them. God uses Jesus’ followers to tell them.
What an awesome opportunity! What an awesome privilege!
Prayer: (Christian Worship: supplement – 771)
Heavenly Father, I want to walk as a child of the light; I want to follow Jesus. You set the stars to give light to the world, the star of my life is Jesus. Grant me a heart like his, that all may be drawn by me to you. Amen.