Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.
Matthew 17:3
Moses and Elijah and Jesus
Devotion based on Matthew 17:3
See series: Devotions
One day Jesus went up a mountain with some of his disciples and revealed his glory to them. He began shining as bright as snow in the sunlight. As this was happening, he was visited by Moses and Elijah. These were two important people in the Old Testament. It was to Moses that God gave his Law on Mount Sinai. Elijah was one of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament. These two men represented God’s plan and promise to send a Savior into the world.
Now Moses and Elijah stood with Jesus on the mountain. They talked about Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. Moses and Elijah clearly understood the purpose for Jesus’ approaching passion and crucifixion. Moses had been appointed by God to lead Israel out of their slavery in Egypt to the promised land of Canaan, so Jesus was the God-appointed Savior who would lead a new exodus from the slavery of sin to the promised land of heaven.
The lives and work of Moses and Elijah pointed ahead to the Savior that God promised to send for the world. Jesus came as God planned and fulfilled all that was written about him in the Old Testament. And this same Jesus cares for, lived for, and died for you. He has freed you from the eternal bondage of your sin, from hell itself. Through Jesus, you can count completely on God’s faithful promise to take you to be with him in heaven.
Jesus, I praise you for coming to fulfill God’s promise of saving the world from sin and eternal death. Renew in me daily an appreciation for the forgiveness of sins and sure hope of heaven I have through you. Amen.