The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121:7,8
Someone Is Watching
Devotion based on Psalm 121:7,8
See series: Devotions
Someone is always watching you. Are you okay with that?
Many facilities, both public and private, are equipped with video surveillance systems. They see, and may even record, where and when you come in and go out. They watch what you are doing and how you are doing it. Are you okay with that?
As you use your mobile phone and data plan or surf the internet, where you go and what you do may be tracked and recorded for future reference and analysis. Websites track your patterns and habits. Retailers note when, how, where, and what you shop for.
Your cell phone use and your cell signal can be monitored. The methods and the technology for watching where you go and what you do continue to evolve. Are you okay with that?
Sometimes we don’t realize that things like video surveillance and online tracking are taking place. At other times we realize it is happening, but don’t give it much thought. Here’s a truth worth thinking about—all the time: The Lord is watching over your coming and going. He is watching over you right now, at every moment, all the time.
Whether you realize it or not, whether you think about it or not, the Lord is watching over your life. The God of faithful love is watching over you and keeping you from harm. The God who loves you does not slumber nor sleep. He is always looking to bless you.
What a wonderful comfort! While you are awake and when you are sleeping, when you are coming and when you are going, no matter where you are or what you are doing, the Lord is watching over you. The Maker of heaven and earth who has made you his child in Christ is there to help you every step of the way.
I’m absolutely okay with that. I hope you are too.
Prayer: (Christian Worship – A Lutheran Hymnal: 584)
Lord, bless and keep me as your own;
Lord, look in kindness from your throne;
Lord, let your favor rest on me,
And give me peace eternally. Amen.