[Jesus said] As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
John 9:4,5
Work While It Is Day
Devotion based on John 9:4,5
See series: Devotions
In the part of the world where I am privileged to serve, power outages are not uncommon. Backup batteries and power generators can buy extra time, but eventually, they also run out of charge or fuel. As soon as the power goes out, we know to quickly save any work we are doing on the computer or all may be lost once the battery dies. There may be other tasks to be done by candlelight, but any computer work is done for the day!
Missionaries and evangelists have been sent throughout the world with the life-saving, life-giving message of the gospel. Many people have been brought to faith in Jesus through their efforts, but there is much more work to be done. Sadly, in some countries, the open window of opportunity for evangelism may be rapidly closing. The gospel is still powerful to save, but anti-Christian governments and cultural movements increasingly hinder the work of those who preach Christ crucified. These missionaries know that they must “work while it is day.”
Jesus made the most of every opportunity he had while he was on earth. He accomplished everything his Father sent him to do, reaching out to the lost, comforting those who mourned, healing both bodies and souls. And then when the time came, he laid down his life for us so that we might live with him.
Do you know someone who still doesn’t know the peace of forgiveness in Jesus? Perhaps you have been waiting for just the right time to speak with them about our Savior. I want to encourage you not to wait any longer. Our time in this world is a lot shorter than any of us realize. The opportunity to speak today may no longer be there tomorrow. Keep in mind the hope and joy you have from knowing what Jesus Christ has done for you. Wouldn’t you want others to have those same blessings? And wouldn’t they appreciate having that peace sooner rather than later?
Dear Lord Jesus, keep me focused on the opportunities you give me to serve you and others while I can. Amen.