Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.
John 11:43,44
Jesus Conquers Death
Devotion based on John 11:43,44
See series: Devotions
Death is not a pleasant subject. Just talking about death makes people afraid. Our culture minimizes death as much as possible. It doesn’t even like to use the word death. There are dozens of alternatives for that word. But even though the doctor tells you that your spouse “passed on peacefully,” those words cannot change the fact that the one you loved is dead, and you are alone. No words can change the reality of death.
Except for Jesus’ word. Standing outside the tomb of his friend, he called out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” Jesus yelled to a dead man, and dead men can’t hear. Jesus told a dead man to come out, and dead men can’t move. But Lazarus listened and came out!
Do you see the big picture here? Jesus has power over death because Jesus is God. That is why he can even conquer death.
Someday it will be you in the tomb. No matter how hard you try to extend your life through exercise, eating right, or medicine, your physical life will end. But on the day this world comes to an end, Jesus will speak his words to all the dead: “Come out!” And your body will rise because Jesus tells it to. This time it will be a body that cannot die.
The only way to face death without fear is through Jesus. We spend so much of life avoiding and fearing death, but the good news is that we don’t have to. We have a Savior who conquered death for us.
I praise you, dear Savior, for conquering death for me. Amen.