[Jesus said] “Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20
Jesus By Your Side
Devotion based on Matthew 28:20
See series: Devotions
I just took all my financial information to my accountant, who does my taxes. A few weeks ago, I took my car to my mechanic to get it fixed. A couple of months ago, when my furnace went out, I called a heating and cooling company that sent out a tech to get it working again.
We’re used to having professionals take care of things that we can’t. But this coronavirus is different. There is no medical researcher with a cure for this virus. There is no doctor we can go to get an immunization vaccine. The best the government can do is recommend we limit contact with each other. We’re feeling very vulnerable because we are feeling very helpless, and that is scary.
Jesus’ disciples felt like that one day on the sea of Galilee when a furious storm came up so quickly the disciples had no time to make it to shore. Before they knew it, the rain was blowing sideways, the waves were crashing into and over their boat, threatening to sink it. They were helpless.
But Jesus was also on that boat. And standing up, he addressed the storm as if it was an unruly child, and said, “Quiet! Be Still!” Suddenly, the wind stopped blowing, the rain stopped falling, the waves stopped churning, and the once wildly rocking boat now glided calmly along the glassy surface of the sea.
Jesus has power you and I do not have. He has the almighty power of God. And in this present health crisis, which makes us feel so small and weak and helpless, he is with us. He promised that when he said, “I am with you always to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
So Jesus—who is your almighty God and your loving Savior—will get you through this crisis. He will end this threat at the right time. And until then, he will make sure you have what you need each day. No matter how helpless you may feel, you are never helpless with him by your side.
Jesus, I know that I am helpless in the face of this virus. But I also know that you are more powerful than any virus. Protect me and my loved ones until this storm has passed. Amen