And there was evening, and there was morning.
Genesis 1:31
A New Day
Devotion based on Genesis 1:31
See series: Devotions
As we read through Genesis chapter one, we are greeted with this comforting refrain. “And there was evening, and there was morning.” So much happened in that first week, but there was one constant: each day was a new day.
That’s a relief, isn’t it? With so much happening in our world—so much that seems to threaten the very existence of the planet—don’t we need to hear that same comforting refrain? “And there was evening, and there was morning.”
Make no mistake, each day can be difficult. Days can be filled with pandemics, cancer treatments, and bouts of depressions. Days can be filled with angry customers, job losses, and bill collectors. Days can be filled with disappointment, frustration, and exhaustion. In fact, it has been like that throughout history. A look back will show us that there have been many pandemics, wars, and economic downturns. History is full of people just like us—people who struggle with all kinds of things.
But do you know what else history is full of? God keeping his promises. As each century passes by, there is one constant: “And there was evening, and there was morning.” God continues to be in control. He continues to watch over his people, and he continues to keep his promises. He will continue to give us what we need for each day and bless us with a new day—until the day he brings us home to heaven.
God has proved his faithfulness to you by sending Jesus as your Savior. True to his word, he has forgiven you, saved you, and given you eternal life. With each passing day, he will keep his promises to you in Jesus.
Dear Lord, heavenly Father, thank you for the comforting reminder that you will bless me each day. With each new day, help me to trust you more and more. Amen.