[Jesus said] “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31
Safe in His Care
Devotion based on Matthew 10:29-31
See series: Devotions
My wife and I love a good deal. Those big signs above the clearance racks or those special tags on marked down food on the shelf draw us in. Resale shops and websites give us the chance to save money but still have what we need or want. Those things may not be worth much to those selling them, but they are to us.
Do you ever feel like you are on the clearance rack of this world? Cast aside as unwanted. Thrown in a box with clothes that are out of style and toys that the kids don’t play with anymore. Marked down in price or piled on the curb for the garbage truck to haul away.
If we trust in Jesus, other people might view us and treat us that way—like worthless trash. But it shouldn’t really surprise us. That’s how they treated Jesus. To many, he was worthless. They wanted to get rid of him as quickly as they could. And so they killed him.
But God hadn’t forgotten Jesus, his Son. And he won’t forget you. What could be more precious to God than his own perfect Son? And yet, he loved you so much that he willingly gave up his own Son for you. He let his Son bleed and die to forgive every imperfection in your life that makes you unworthy of his love. God put a price on your soul that only he could afford to pay, and then he paid that price willingly.
The truth is, God cares about everything he made, even the smallest sparrows. But you have even more proof of his love. For you, God gave up his own Son. For you, God paid with his own life. And so, you know that he will always love you. He will always care for you. The world may toss you aside as worthless, but your God never will. You are safe in your Father’s care.
Father, when I feel worthless and unwanted, comfort me with your priceless love and perfect care. Amen.