For the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.
Joshua 2:11
Simply Remarkable
Devotion based on Joshua 2:11
See series: Devotions
If you’re looking for a thrilling story filled with suspense, espionage, and escapes, look no further than Joshua chapter 2. Joshua, the successor to Moses, had sent spies to a city called Jericho. The local king found out and tried to track down and capture the scouts. With the help of an unexpected ally, the Israelite spies narrowly escaped. Remarkable!
But not as remarkable as this confession of faith: “the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.” Did Joshua say that? Or maybe one of the spies who had been spared? No. Rahab, a harlot living in Jericho spoke those words. News of the Lord had made it to Jericho, to Rahab’s ears, and her very heart. She believed in the Lord God.
Of course, the spotlight doesn’t belong on Rahab but on God. The God of free and faithful grace sought out Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho. His forgiveness covered her sins and his tender heart accepted her into his family. God’s love is remarkable!
Rahab’s confession of faith is a reminder to you that God loves all people, and he wants all people to be part of his believing family. Whatever sins may lurk in your past, be assured that Jesus paid for them when he died on the cross. Whatever skeletons clatter around in your closet, be assured that because of Jesus, you have a fresh start and a clean slate before God. That’s simply remarkable!
Gracious Savior, my past is filled with sins too numerous to count. Remind me every day that you love me and that your death on the cross has removed my sins. Help me to live today in the joy of that forgiveness. Amen.