Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!
Romans 11:33
God is Awesome
Devotion based on Romans 11:33
See series: Devotions
Look at a picture of the Grand Canyon sometime. As you look at that picture, the immensity of the canyon just takes your breath away. The bottom of the photograph shows the lip of the canyon, and then the ground just drops away and keeps going down, as the rift spreads to the left and the right. Imagine how much space there is when there used to be level ground. If you were to explore every nook and cranny, every space in that canyon, it would take a lifetime.
Looking at the depth of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God is much like looking at a picture of the Grand Canyon. The magnitude and splendor of God’s wisdom and knowledge are just breathtaking. We can sit on the ledge and stare into its depths and never find the bottom. Frankly, it’s unsearchable. We would never be able to even begin to search just the surface of his wisdom. It is impossible for us to understand on our own.
But God, in his unsearchable wisdom, revealed to us what we would never be able to find out on our own. He sent his Son, Jesus, to make peace between sinners and himself by having Jesus take on the punishment for sin. Then God said to you; yes, even to you, that you are a recipient of that free grace. He sent his Son for you. Your sins were also taken away by Jesus.
Hearing that proclamation of grace, we can exclaim with gratitude, “How unsearchable his judgments, and his path beyond tracing out!”
God, though I cannot fathom the depths of all your wisdom or understand all of your ways, I rejoice in the knowledge that you have revealed about your Son and the salvation that he accomplished for me. Through the study of your Word, help me grow each day in my appreciation for your love. Amen.