God also said to Moses, “I am the Lord.”
Exodus 6:2
The Lord Alone is Faithful
Devotion based on Exodus 6:2
See series: Devotions
“I promise.” Those are words that should give us comfort. Those are words that should take away our worries. Those are words that should give us hope. But, when we hear the words, “I promise,” we often roll our eyes. We have grown accustomed to unkept promises.
It starts from little on. A young boy hears dad promise that he will play catch after work. But dad doesn’t get home from work until after the boy is in bed—far too late to play catch. An employee hears his boss promise that the promotion will be his, only to find out a week later that the job went to someone else. A bride hears her groom say, “I do”—and finds out later that he did not keep his promise to be faithful.
We are surrounded by unfaithfulness and also have been unfaithful in keeping promises. Because of this, we are often skeptical that anyone will keep a promise to us.
God is different from everyone else. He keeps his promises. In Exodus chapter six, verses 2-8, the Lord says, “I,” seventeen times. It jumps off the page. God says: “I am the Lord… I appeared to Abraham… I also established my covenant. I…I…I”—17 times! This reminds us that the Lord is unquestionably in charge. God lets us know that he has not forgotten us. He has heard our pleas. He WILL keep his Word.
And if you still doubt that, God points to his own track record. He proved his faithfulness once and for all on Good Friday. If there was ever a time for him to back out of a promise, this was it. There, hanging from a cross, was his own Son. Jesus did not deserve to die. He did not deserve to suffer. But, true to his Word, God kept his promise. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. God sent his Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That promise is kept, and that promise is yours—forever. You are forgiven!
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for keeping your promise and sending Jesus to be my Savior. Help me to know that in him I am forgiven. Help me to trust your Word always. Amen.