“As surely as I live,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn!”
Ezekiel 33:11
The Way Home
Devotion based on Ezekiel 33:11
See series: Devotions
There’s only one road into Wabush. It also happens to be the only road out.
Wabush is a remote town in the middle of the Canadian wilderness with a population of about two thousand people. You’ll find friendly people there. You’ll find all the basic amenities, along with a post office, bank, barbershop, bowling alley, gymnasium, swimming pool, library, and hotel.
But if you find yourself in Wabush because you took a wrong turn, you cannot simply drive through it and keep going. Remember, Wabush is the end of the road. If you’re lost, and you want to get back to where you need to be, you’re just going to have to turn around. In Wabush, it’s that simple.
Left to ourselves, you and I are lost. We are lost in a wilderness of our own making. Our sinfulness makes us naturals at isolating ourselves from each other and isolating ourselves from the God who made us.
And so God marched into our wilderness to rescue us. He did so in the Person of Jesus Christ. Through the sinless life, he lived on our behalf, and through the death, he died on the cross to wash us clean, Jesus is the way out. Jesus is the way home.
Where do you find yourself in your life right now? Could it be that, for some time, you have been making a series of turns—reckless turns, distracted turns, rebellious turns, selfish turns—a series of turns where you now find yourself isolated, alone, despairing?
God does not want you to despair. As we heard him say in our Bible reading for today, he wants you to turn from your sins and live. He loves you. He proved this when he sent his Son to save you from those sins. So, don’t delay! Turn to him and live!
Many times, Lord Jesus, I’ve gotten so lost. Thank you for coming to find me. Remind me of your love and forgiveness and empower me to turn from my sins to you. Amen.