Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me . . . But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength.
2 Timothy 4:10,17
The Lord Stood By My Side
Devotion based on 2 Timothy 4:10,17
See series: Devotions
Demas. I doubt many people would know that name while playing a game of Bible trivia. But I bet we recognize what someone like Demas looks like in our lives. That friend, that co-worker, who stood by your side until something or someone better came along. And there you are, alone. Alone at the party. Alone at work. Alone at home. Alone in life. Not just alone but deserted. Abandoned. Neglected. Forsaken.
What races through your mind when you find yourself deserted? The emotions can take us all over the board. Anger—‘How dare he desert me?’ Embarrassment—‘It’s feels so awkward to be alone.’ Hurt—‘I can’t believe she did that to me.’ Scared—‘I don’t know what I’m going to do.’ And you can probably come up with many more emotions and questions.
From the very beginning, God knew that being alone was not a good thing. It wasn’t good for the first person, so God made someone suitable for him. Things haven’t changed. While we may like our “me time” on occasion, too much “me time” and we go crazy. For that very reason, God puts people in our lives. But let’s be honest, in our non-perfect world, the people in our lives aren’t always suitable. They take us down the wrong paths, say hurtful words, and disappoint. And at times, they desert.
Yet, there’s One who is always suitable. One who never disappoints, who always helps, and always leads us down the right path. That One is the Lord. No matter what you’re going through today, no matter how alone you feel, know this: The Lord stands by your side.
Lord, continue to stand by my side. And, grant me the confidence and comfort of knowing you will. Amen.