Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
Genesis 6:3
Living on Borrowed Time
Devotion based on Genesis 6:3
See series: Devotions
The wicked people of Noah’s day were living on borrowed time. Their days were numbered. God had had enough. He gave them a clear warning that they had 120 years before he was going to send powerful judgment. Our days are numbered as well. Unlike the people of Noah’s time, God has not told us specifically how many days we have left. But each one of us has a clock that is winding down.
How are you going to spend that time? The people of Noah’s day ignored God’s warning. They paid no heed to the fact that their day of judgment was approaching. They went on living as if it was no big deal. They kept on living out their daily routines.
We so easily keep on doing what we are doing and give no thought to our relationship with the God who created us. We go to work, get the kids to school, and go to tournaments on the weekends. We keep up with our favorite shows on Netflix and religiously follow our Facebook and Instagram feeds. Meanwhile, the clock on our earthly lives continues to wind down, and we fail to have a sense of urgency about our lives of faith. How many worship services have you failed to attend or tune into because you were caught up in daily life? How many days have you failed to spend even five minutes in the Bible because you had more important things to do?
Thankfully, Jesus did not take that approach in being our Savior. Jesus came into this world and had a short amount of time with which to accomplish our salvation. He came and got right to work, and he never once failed to handle our eternal destiny with a sense of urgency. He lived, died, and rose again so that we could be set free from sin, death, and hell. Thank God that Jesus had a sense of urgency about winning our salvation!
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your determination and commitment in achieving my salvation. Enable me to serve you today with that same determination. Help me to always be ready for the day when you will call me home. Amen.