[Jesus said] “Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.”
Mark 13:33
Sleeping At Your Post
Devotion based on Mark 13:33
See series: Devotions
Falling asleep at your post is one of the worst offenses a soldier can commit against his brother’s-in-arms. Throughout history, there have been severe punishments for someone falling asleep while on guard duty. Such a mistake could lead to people dying and battles lost. Falling asleep at your post has always been worthy of punishment by the military.
Are you sleeping at your post in your life of faith? Have you failed to keep watch over the spiritual lives of you and your family? Maybe you have gotten so caught up in the weekend tournament scene that you and your family have not been to worship in longer than you can remember. Or maybe you have spent so many nights binging Netflix shows that you have failed to keep up with your Bible reading. Or maybe, you had a bad church experience in the past and have drifted away. You always told yourself you would come back to the church, but as time has passed you just have not gotten around to it.
Falling asleep at our post in our spiritual lives is a risky proposition. The stakes are even higher here than in the military. Eternal lives are at stake. If we neglect our spiritual lives, we put ourselves in danger of missing out on the eternal life that God has won for us in Jesus.
Thankfully, Jesus never fell asleep at his post. He was alert. He was always vigilant in living as our substitute and Savior. Jesus lived a perfect life in our place, died on the cross to take our sins away, and assure us that salvation is ours. Through faith in Jesus, we are saved from our lack of readiness. In him, we have eternal life.
This same loving Savior encourages us to be alert in our lives of faith. So be on your guard! Get back into the Word. Find time to get into God’s house and grow in your faith. You and your family will receive eternal benefits as you stay alert.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your vigilance in earning my salvation. Help me always to be on alert, that I may stay in faith and reach everlasting life with you. Amen.