When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
2 Samuel 7:12,13
Celebrating Christmas Forever
Devotion based on 2 Samuel 7:12,13
See series: Devotions
The packages have all been opened. The refrigerator is full of leftovers. Another Christmas is over. After all the weeks and months of preparing for it, the Christmas celebration seems to come and go in the blink of an eye. It’s all over too quickly. But here is the good news: the real celebration of Christmas never ends. This is what our Bible reading for today promises.
This particular promise was made to King David. King David was probably the greatest king of the Israelite nation. In spite of his flaws, he was one of the inspired writers of the Psalms and a great spiritual leader of his people. In our Bible verse for today, God had just told David that his family would continue to rule Israel, but it would rule Israel in a way that was far greater than any kingdom. From his family, the Savior of the world would come. This Savior would establish a kingdom that was not about land, possessions, and earthly power. It would even be a kingdom that would not be affected by time. That great descendant of David would be Jesus, who with his life and death, would redeem the world. He would establish peace with God through the forgiveness of sins. All believers would be a part of his great kingdom of life, a kingdom that would not end.
This is what we are celebrating at Christmas every year. All the gifts, songs, and decorations are an expression of the joy we have in our hearts. It is a joy that lasts far longer than just one day. In fact, it will last forever.
Lord, thank you for sending your Son. And thank you for the joyful celebration of his birth. Help me live in the joy of your love and forgiveness today and every day. Amen.