Because [Jesus] himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Hebrews 2:18
Jesus Knows What It Is Like
Devotion based on Hebrews 2:18
See series: Devotions
Of all the temptations that hit you on a regular basis, which one is the most powerful? Give yourself a moment to come up with a specific answer. After all, in your heart of hearts, you probably know what the answer is. Here’s another question: When that specific temptation shows up wanting to claim you for the day (or for the night), what kind of battle do you give it? Do you consistently give it stiff opposition? Or are there times when you simply throw up your hands and not even try to combat it?
Let’s be honest and candid about this. You and I have to admit that there are all kinds of times when we don’t even put up a decent fight in the face of a strong temptation. Satan knows that. In fact, he loves to remind us of it to wear us down and make us feel defeated and hollow even before the battle starts. On our own, of course, that’s how this movie of our life would end—we’d be cowering and crushed, while Satan and his temptations cackled in conquest.
But with Jesus, everything is different. Everything! On our behalf, he resisted every temptation that Satan could invent. On our behalf, he shed his blood to make all our defeats disappear.
And that’s not all. For now, when Satan tries to send a temptation our way, you and I can run immediately to the One who knows exactly what battling temptations is like. In him, we don’t just have a sympathetic ear. In him, we have someone who understands. And because he does, he will help us in our battle against the temptation to sin. Satan hopes you will forget this. Therefore, don’t.
Lord Jesus Christ, you know exactly what it’s like to battle temptations in this fallen world. You promise to answer my calls for help. Empower me by your Spirit never to forget that. Amen.