As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
Mark 16:5
The Living Savior Keeps His Promises
Devotion based on Mark 16:5
See series: Devotions
After someone dies, they’re pretty easy to keep track of: They don’t run errands; they don’t go on vacation. They pretty much stay put. The women in our Bible reading for today knew that Jesus had been placed in the tomb on Friday. And so they had every logical reason to assume that he was still going to be there on Sunday.
But when they arrived, they found nothing as they had expected it. The tomb was open. A man in white sitting in the tomb, and the body of Jesus nowhere to be found. So Mark tells us, “they were alarmed.”
They were understandably alarmed that Jesus’ body was not there. But, it would have been much more alarming if it had been.
Consider that possibility. If Jesus’ body was there when the women arrived, that would have made Jesus a liar, a hoax, a fraud that duped thousands of gullible people. Because, after all, he had said, “The Son of Man…after three days he will rise.” (Mark 9:31) And it’s not like he just let it slip out one time. He promised three different times in Mark’s Gospel alone: I am going to rise from the dead.
And then he did.
Jesus’ resurrection means he is able to keep his promises. He promises to always be with us (Matthew 28:20). He promises that his work of saving us from our sins is finished (John 19:30), that he’s preparing a place in heaven for us, and that he will come back for us (John 14:2,3). The fact that Jesus can do what he has promised means everything for the child of God.
Thank God the tomb was empty on Easter morning!
Lord Jesus, I build my life on your promises and do so confidently because I know you always keep them. Your empty tomb is proof. Send me your Holy Spirit to preserve me in faith that when my last hour comes, I will hold fast to your promises and be found in you. Amen.