Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
John 20:21
Peace Be With You
Devotion based on John 20:21
See series: Devotions
“Peace be with you!” Those are wonderful words to hear when you live in a world like ours so filled with turmoil and turbulence. It is Jesus’ promise to all of his followers. It is peace between you and God. It is the certainty that God is not out to get you. He already “got” Jesus for your sin when he punished him for it on the cross. God’s wrath is gone. Where once there was hostility and anger over sin, now there is only peace.
This is the peace that settled on the apostles when they saw the risen Savior, and it is the peace that Jesus sent them to proclaim. Because they took the message of peace to the world, the Christian Church grew, and you are reading this devotion nearly two thousand years later.
This resurrection peace directly affects you. Because Jesus lives, you know that your sins are forgiven, and your guilty conscience is silenced. Because Jesus lives, you have peace of mind and can cast all your cares on the Lord, who cares for you. Finally, because Jesus lives, you have the certainty that there is “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade . . . kept in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4).
Listen to Jesus. He says, “Peace be with you! Do trials make you miserable? Does death terrify you? Remember me. I died for you, rose for you, and conquered every evil. I give you an eternal inheritance, and nothing can take that from you. Truly, what can harm you?” Peace like that cannot be found anywhere else in this world.
Jesus, help me to cherish your resurrection and your peace. Amen.