Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:4,5
Jesus is Our Hope
Devotion based on Psalm 25:4,5
See series: Devotions
Drivers are required to follow rules and regulations as they drive. Obey the speed limit. Stop on red; go on green. Don’t cross the centerline; stay in your lane. The laws for road travel are set for the safety of everyone. Accidents, injuries, or even worse, are caused when drivers disobey laws.
Just as drivers have rules to follow as they drive, we have rules to follow as we live our lives. They are rules given us by the God who made us. They are rules meant to keep us safe–both physically and spiritually.
Sadly, we don’t always follow God’s rules. We think we know better, so we do our own thing and go our own way. Had God left us to our own devices, we would have wandered away from him forever.
But, as we see from today’s Bible verse, God is our Savior. He sent Jesus from heaven who walked life’s path for us—perfectly. And for all the times we fall and fail to follow God’s way, Jesus bore our guilt and suffered the judgment we deserved. Instead of being charged with breaking the rules of the road of life, through everything that Jesus did for us we have a perfect record. Instead of crashing into the destruction we deserve for lawbreaking, we have the joy of God’s love and assurance of life with him forever.
Having seen how much God loves us, we become more and more confident that the path he has marked out for our lives must be best for us. And so, with the writer of today’s Bible passage, we say, “O LORD, teach me your paths.”
Jesus, I praise and honor you for being my Savior who walked the path of life perfectly for me and rescued me from the destruction I deserve for my sin. Guide me now to live and walk in God’s way out of thankfulness and joy for the hope that you give me. Amen.