The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.
Lamentations 3:25
Amazing Love
Devotion based on Lamentations 3:25
See series: Devotions
Last summer, my brother put on a fireworks display for our family. He hardly lit more than a sparkler when his five-year-old daughter said to the rest of the family, “My daddy is amazing.”
There are few things more powerful than a child’s hope in a grown-up’s ability to do amazing things. Isn’t this the same attitude you want to have toward your heavenly Father? He has put on a display of his love when he put Jesus on the cross to die in your place. And he displayed his love again when he raised Jesus from the dead so that you too can live a new life. Isn’t our heavenly Father amazing!
As soon as my niece told the family that her daddy was amazing, she immediately turned to daddy and said, “Do it again!”
God has done the amazing for you through Jesus. Seek him and his goodness again and again. He promises that you will not be disappointed. May you be filled with his amazing love for you!
Dear Jesus, thank you for your amazing love for me. Help me to help others see it too. Amen.