And whether they listen or fail to listen—for they are a rebellious people—they will know that a prophet has been among them.
Ezekiel 2:5
God Speaks Anyway
Devotion based on Ezekiel 2:5
See series: Devotions
It is frustrating when you are speaking, but no one is listening. My grade school teacher used to do something when the class was not listening. With two dozen kids making a lot of noise, she would stop talking. She would stand in front of the classroom and not say anything at all until, one by one, we all realized we weren’t listening, and we quieted down and gave her our attention once more.
What does God do when we are not listening? He speaks anyway.
Many people don’t want to listen to God. They don’t want to hear either his commands or his promises. They are more comfortable listening to themselves than their Creator. However, even though many people don’t want to listen to God, he speaks anyway.
Even our own hearts often don’t want to listen to God. We would rather find things to do other than hear God’s Word. We would set aside his commands in order to do what we think is best. We would rather find our own way forward than hear how God would have us live for him. Even though we don’t always want to listen, God speaks to us anyway.
Why? Because he loves us, and he knows how desperately we need to hear what he has to say. We need to hear about this love for us—especially the love that caused him to send Jesus to earn the forgiveness of our sins. We need to hear about his commands—the way he wants us to live our lives because he knows his way is always best for us.
What a wonder that God would continue to speak to us. May we always be eager to listen!
I thank and praise you, God, for continually speaking to me through your Word. Give me ears to hear your message, eyes to see your constant love for me, and a heart to believe what you have to say. Amen.