Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.
Psalm 103:1,2
Devotion based on Psalm 103:1,2
See series: Devotions
“Daddy, what’s a benefit?” That’s a question one of my daughters asked me the other morning after she had recited to me these verses from Psalm 103. I answered, “A benefit is a blessing; it’s something good that we receive from God.”
The list of God’s blessings is endless. First, there are the “small” blessings in life: food, clothing, shelter, air to breath, a spouse’s love, a child’s laughter, friendship, good health. Praise the Lord for all these benefits!
Then there are the really “big” blessings that God gives us: forgiveness for our sins, angels who guard and protect us daily, the privilege of going directly to God in prayer, the sure hope of eternal life in heaven one day, confidence in the resurrection of the body at the end of time. Praise the Lord for all these blessings!
Are these blessings that we deserve? No. Have we earned them? No. Because of the sin we’ve inherited from our parents and the sins we daily commit, we deserve nothing but misery in this life and the one to come. But praise the Lord! Where our sin increased, God’s grace and blessings in Jesus increased all the more.
Praise the Lord! Praise him with your lips. Praise him with your life lived to his glory and honor.
Dear Lord, how great you are! You have showered upon me more benefits and blessings than I deserve. Help me say “thank you” to you by living my life in ways that bring you praise and worship. Amen.