[Jesus said] “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Perfect Rest
Devotion based on Matthew 11:28
See series: Devotions
Hurricanes, wars, droughts, broken families, illness…These and many other things in life cause us to be worried, afraid, uncertain, and perhaps leaving us feeling weary and burdened. No one escapes these problems or these feelings, no matter how hard they try. Most of our solutions to those problems are either unsuccessful or temporary.
Thankfully, Jesus provided a solution to the problem which causes all of our other problems. We had become disconnected from God because we had chosen to do things our way instead of his way. The Bible calls this sin, of which we are all guilty. But Jesus, God’s Son, came into this world to solve the problem of our sin. He did this by living life God’s way—perfectly, and by paying the price for our sins with his death on the cross. His rising from the dead on Easter morning shows us that we are God’s children. This promise also includes the promise that one day God will raise us to take us to be with him in heaven where there will be no sin and none of the other problems that cause us to be weary and burdened.
As long as we live in this world, problems will continue to exist, but Jesus has solved our worst problem. This gives us rest from our burdens and peace in the midst of a life full of weariness. It gives us the sure hope that one day, in heaven, all trouble will be gone. Jesus is our Savior who gives us rest today and will give us perfect rest in heaven.
Jesus, thank you for providing us with a solution from all of life’s worries and burdens. Especially for the solution to the problem, which brought all this into the world, our sin. Jesus I am facing trials in my life, I bring them to you. Thank you for carrying them for me. Amen.