Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” As [Jesus] approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.
Luke 19:39-41
Jesus Humbles Himself to Tears
Devotion based on Luke 19:39-41
See series: Devotions
Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus showed his power to control things: the wind, the waves, sickness, disease, evil spirits, and even Satan. He showed that power again on Palm Sunday when he was able to ride a colt that no one had ever ridden. A colt like that typically needs to be broken in. The first time a colt feels the uncomfortable weight of a human on its back, it typically reacts very aggressively, trying to throw that person off. But that’s not what happened. Jesus rode the colt into Jerusalem, and the colt cooperated. Jesus, again, on Palm Sunday, showed himself to be someone who has complete control over absolutely anything.
Remarkably, this all-powerful person was also sympathetic. Today’s Bible reading tells us that he wept when he saw the city of Jerusalem. Why? Because Jesus was well-aware that most of the people in that city would not sing his praises and worship him as their Lord and Savior. They refused to believe he was who he claimed to be. And they would, therefore, spend eternity without him and all the blessings he promises his followers in the life to come.
Jesus’ tears tell us how very much he cares about each and every soul he came to save. That includes you. He loved you enough to ride into Jerusalem, where he would die to pay the price for your sins so you can enjoy his blessings forever in the life to come. What a reason to rejoice! Spend this day celebrating what he has done for you and singing his praises.
Gracious Savior, hear my heartfelt cries for mercy and satisfy the deepest longings of my soul with your perfect love. Amen.