And he will be our peace.
Micah 5:5
Devotion based on Micah 5:5
See series: Devotions
We hear a lot about peace this time of year. Christmas carols sing about peace on earth. Talking heads on television speak of how the true meaning of the holiday season is peace and goodwill among men. They dreamily describe a world where we all will live in perfect peace and harmony with each other.
While such a picture might look beautiful and sound wonderful, it is not reality. There is no peace on earth. Look around. Politicians stab each other in the back and refuse to work together for the common good. Nations continue to threaten each other. People scream at each other and post terrible things about other people all over social media. Family members argue and fight. This world has never known true peace, and that is not ever going to change. We live in a sinful world, and disharmony and strife come with the territory.
That is why Christmas is so important. Jesus entered into this world so full of conflict and disharmony. And he came to bring something this world longs for: peace. Yet, it is important that we understand what the Bible means when it says about Jesus: “And he will be our peace.” While peace between men and nations is a wonderful thing to have and strive for, there is a far more important kind of peace: Peace between sinners and a holy God. Jesus came to provide just that.
In Jesus’ life and death in our place, we have peace with God. Our sins have been removed, and our guilt paid for. Sin—the giant barrier that once stood between God and us—has been forever removed. We now have peace with God.
Do you realize what that means? It means we can go to him in prayer and know that he hears us. It means we have the protection he offers through his angels and the promise that he is with us always. And it means that we will live with him in perfect peace forever in heaven. This world will never experience perfect peace, but that blessing is and will be ours forever with Jesus.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for providing true peace. Help me to know that I am forgiven and saved and to keep my eyes on my heavenly home. Amen.