When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
John 2:3-5
All In Good Time
Devotion based on John 2:3-5
See series: Devotions
I was recently in the drive-through of a national coffee shop. The line of cars in front of me snaked all the way around the building. But I didn’t care. I needed my cup of joe. When I finally reached the speaker box to place my order, I saw a sign that read: “Our apologies, we are all out of coffee cups.” That store had a problem.
The host at the wedding Jesus attended in Cana had a bigger problem. The week-long celebration was nowhere near over, and the host had no more wine. This was a huge problem. And Mary desperately wanted the family to avoid embarrassment. She knew who her son was, God’s Messiah. And she believed that he could provide a solution.
In the grand scheme, the lack of wine was a minor issue. Jesus had a global concern—the salvation of souls. Still, Mary believed that—should he so choose—Jesus could help the wedding couple in their time of need.
Jesus can also help us in our times of need. Whether we struggle with shortages of finances, food, physical health, or a friend’s or family’s love, Jesus is able to help. After all, he was able to help us with our greatest need—the forgiveness of our sins against God. The blood he shed on the cross purifies us from all sin and makes us acceptable to God.
Just because we suffer shortages doesn’t mean God doesn’t care. God uses our struggles to drive us to Jesus and ask him for a solution. Since Jesus died and rose again to give us eternal life, he can certainly help us with our daily needs. And in his good time, he will.
Dearest Jesus, by your death and resurrection, there is nothing that I lack. But when I am in need, drive me to you for relief. Amen.